Corporate Massage Therapy

Corporate Massage

Making wellness in the workplace your focus

This is a therapy orientated to fine-tuning and maintaining wellness.

The vast majority of companies that seek out this service have a wonderful people-focussed culture and want it to be even better. Quite simply, they are often great places to work because they are pro-active about staff well-being.

Few would argue that the human body often struggles to cope with the demands of our sedentary office work environment, mixed in with busy-life syndrome and the odd weekend warrior activity! Many problems are cumulative and can become overwhelming:

  • Headaches

  • Stiff necks

  • sore and inflexible shoulders

  • aching back

  • arm tension and hand pain

  • localised numbness or tingling


These are all common complaints which can often be effectively managed or alleviated by targeted, regular massage.

Massage Therapy

What are the Benefits?


An invaluable benefit from the employee perspective, particularly when juggling busy life outside of work hours. Low to medium level postural discomfort, muscular aches, pains and headaches often won’t get you running to the doctor, but having a regular on site muscle technician creates a highly convenient opportunity to remedy such issues.

Improves productivity

Few would disagree that when you feel good, you work with greater efficiency!  A study conducted at the Touch Research Institute in Miami, Florida, found that employees receiving chair massage had an increase in speed and accuracy in completing math equations.

Promotes wellness and pro-activity

Providing an in-house postural health check can often dissipate potential muscular problems before they have an opportunity to gather problematical momentum.

Helps to reduce absenteeism

A common feedback from staff is that they were feeling less than optimum, but came to work to get their massage! 


In an increasingly competitive job market, this can help your company stand out from the crowd. It never fails to impress when recruiting new staff.

Helps to define office culture

This service becomes an invaluable part of the office wellness benefit package offered and is often keenly anticipated.

Creates powerful goodwill and staff loyalty

It is sometimes difficult to put a finger on what a company does to create goodwill and loyalty – corporate massage can be a integral part of this package.

It feels great

You don’t need to be aching or sore to derive benefit – it creates a small slice out of a busy work day to just sit and enjoy!

I use a fully portable massage chair, designed for maximum comfort, support and relaxation during treatment. The chair is the perfect way to introduce people to the benefits of therapeutic massage, whilst fitting in with the demands of the office environment. I prefer to utilise a semi-private room (often a meeting room) and I require relatively little space to work in.

Please note that with the massage chair, treatment is provided through clothing (no oil is used), or sometimes working directly on the skin on exposed areas of neck, shoulder, arms and hands.

I use safe and effective manipulation techniques to work on releasing muscular tension, often focussing on trigger points. Trigger points are specific areas of shortened painful muscles fibres which can develop from over-use and/or emotional stress. Working on these areas can immediately release muscle tension, stimulate new blood flow, toxin release and kick-start the body’s natural healing processes over the ensuing days.

Flexible Structure and Payment Options Available

For example, businesses can choose to offer their staff regular treatment sessions of 15 or 30 minutes, or a one-off visit as a treat to hard-working staff will always go down well! Examples include:

  • Wellness, and Health and Safety Week promotions

  • Incentive rewards or prizes

  • A thank-you gift to hard-working staff during a busy period, or a special event or occasion

To derive maximum ongoing benefits from corporate massage therapy, I recommend a regular service – monthly or bi-monthly visits are generally the most popular.

Also, please note that for viability reasons, there is normally a minimum requirement of 2.5 hours total massage time onsite per visit.

Client businesses can choose to pay an hourly rate, pay a percentage of the treatment cost and the employee pays the remaining percentage, or staff can pay directly for the whole cost of their treatment session.


Examples of past and present clients include:

  • Christchurch City Council

  • Environment Canterbury

  • Ministry of Justice/Justice Precinct

  • Beca and GHD Consultants

  • Anthony Harper, Mortlock McCormack Law, Young Hunter Lawyers

  • Abley Transport Consultants

  • Air New Zealand

  • Grant Thornton Accountants

  • OfficeMax
To chat about how corporate massage could benefit your workplace email Paul at
or phone: 027 567 4950